MA: acoustic root of the propensity of annihilation
MA: time, poison
MAKAR: crocodile, sign of Capricorns
MAKARANDA: pollen, honey or juice of flower, fragrance, nectar
MAKHA: a sacrificial rite
MAGADHA: an area in Bihár, India, inhabitants of which did not accept áryan rituals
MAUNGAL: auspicious, lucky
MAJÁ: pleasure, joy
MAJÁN: to drown, to cause to lose oneself, to be charmed, to be won over by, to be submerged in
MAJIYÁ: to be charmed, to be won over by, to be submerged in
MAJJÁ: bone marrow
MAINJARII: new leaves or buds, shoot, sprout, spring, blossom
MAINJIL: destination, palace, mansion
MAINJIŚT́Á: a plant with yellow flower, madder, red dye from its root. a loving strong attachment
MAINJIIR: anklet with small jingling bells
MAINJU: beautiful, graceful, lovely, pleasant, lovely, sweet, pleasing, attractive, agreeable
MAINJUL: beautiful, graceful, lovely, pleasant, charming, melodious
MAINJÚŚÁ: a box, chest, casket for jewels, letters etc
MAŃI: gem, precious stone, jewel
MAŃIKÁ: gem, precious jewel, its region
MAŃIKÁR: jeweler
MAŃIKOT́HÁ: room of gems
MAŃIHÁR: garland of gems
MAŃD́A: gruel, paste, pulp, starch
MAŃD́AP: a temporary hall, tent or pavilion for a ceremony
MAŃD́ALA: circular arena
MATA: opinion, similar, accordingly, deemed, regarded
MATAN: like, in style of, as example
MATTA: intoxicated, insane, drunk, overjoyed
MATHAN: churning, stirring
MATHITA: churned, stirred
MADA: vanity, pride, wine, intoxication
MADA MATTA: frenzied with pride, intoxicated, insane, drunk
MADIR: intoxicating, indolent, frenzied, sluggish, slothful, lazy, dull, slow, besotting, infatuating, enchanting
MADIRATÁ: intoxication
MADHU: sweet, honey, nectar, sweetness, delightful
MADHUKAR: honeybee
MADHUKHYA: wax, beewax
MADHU CAMPAK: sweet campak flower
MADHUP / MADHPA: honeybee
MADHUPARKA: oblation of honey or its syrup, clarified butter, milk curd and sugar mixed together
MADHUMAYA: sweetened, filled with honey
MADHUR: sweet
MADHURIMÁ: sweetness
MADHUVAN: pleasant grove, heavenly garden, sweet garden
MADHUSYANDA: sweet fragrance
MADHU MÁSA: spring
MADHUR: sweet, delightful
MADHUL / MAHUL: a big tree with whitish egg shaped flowers of which wine is made
MADHYA: middle, center
MADHYAMA: sound of deer, middle
MAN: mind, life
MANANA: exclusive contemplation on the Supreme Entity, inner suggestion, contemplation, deep thinking
MANASIJA: created within mind
MAN PAVAN: (dialect) secret inclinations and intentions, one’s mind, an imaginary oar for driving a boat as per desire
MAN BHOLÁNO: captivating, charming, attractive, infatuating, cajole, intoxicating
MAN MÁTÁNO: intoxicating, captivating, charming, attractive, infatuating, cajole
MANIIŚÁ: mind, intellect
MANUŚYA: human being
MANE: into mind
MANER: pertaining to mind
MANER MÁNUŚ: a person after one’s own heart, a favourite, a minion, a lover
MANOHAR: enchanting, charming, engrossing
MANOMAYA KOŚA: the layer of mind having the capacity of recollection and contemplation
MANOVIHÁRII: dweller of the mind
MANTRA: (no proper English equivalent), incantatation, meditation, ideation, secret, a sound or collection of sounds with meaning, when meditated upon, leads to spiritual liberation, it is incantative, pulsative and ideative
MANTRA MUGDHA: charmed, enchanted
MANTHAN: churning, stirring, agitating, trampling
MANTHAR: slow, slack, sluggish, slothful, inert
MANDA: slow, dim, gentle, bad, evil, wicked, vile, inferior, adverse, unfavourable, ill, impaired, indisposed, indigent, poor, deteriorated, harsh, rude, scanty, small, dull, weak, ugly, harm, abusive, rude, obscene, disgraceful
MANDIR: temple
MANDRA: grave sonorous voice, low, deep, grave, hollow, rumbling, middle octave, roar
MANDRITA: resonated, vibrated, swung, oscillated
MANDRIL: resonating, vibrating, swung, oscillating, rumbling, resonant with grave sonorous voice
MAMATÁ: mine-ness, love and attachment, affection, feeling of own ness
MAMATVA: mine-ness, love and attachment, affection, feeling of own ness, individuality, ownership, self-interest, selfishness
MAYUKH: ray, beam, lustre, glow
MAYUR: peacock
MAR: mortal
MARAKATA: emerald
MARAŃA: death
MARAŃAKÁT́HI: wood related to death
MARAM / MARMA: inner most, core
MARMARA: murmuring sound, rustle, rustling noise
MARMII: sympathiser
MARTYA: mortals, mortal world, the earth, the world, man, mankind, human being, the body
MARTYABHÚMI: mortal world
MARU: sand, desert
MARUT: aerial factor
MALIN: tarnished, soiled, dim, dull, gloomy, dirty, unclean, glum, sorrowful, dark, overcast, sad
MASTAK: head
MASHÁL: torch
MASI: dark, darkness, black
MAHAH: subtle layer of cosmic mind
MAHARLOKA: supramental world
MAHAT: great, stage of inculcating pure “I” feeling in Puruśa
MAHATTATTVA: stage of inculcating pure or existential “I” feeling in Puruśa
MAHADÁSHAYA: great shelter, repository
MAHADÁSHÁ: great hope
MAHÁ: great
MAHÁVARTA: great cycle of creation
MAHÁ JAGAT: the universe
MAHÁ DEVA: The Greatest God or Divinity, Lord Shiva
MAHÁ NIRVÁŃA: mokśa or complete emancipation
MAHÁNIIRADHI: great ocean
MAHÁ PURUŚA: individual attaining Brahmatva, elevated beings
MAHÁBHÁVA: great ideation
MAHÁMAHIMNA: high minded, noble minded, magnanimous, great, exalted
MAHÁ SAMBODHI: great intuition
MAHÁN: great
MAHÁPRAYÁŃ: voluntary journey to court one’s death, death
MAHÁPRÁŃA: magnanimous, large hearted, aspirate
MAHÁMÁYÁ: great illusion
MAHÁHAVA: great or tumultuous fight
MAHODADHI: great ocean
MAHÁMÁNYA: highly venerable or honourable
MAHIMÁ: exaltedness, greatness, glory, majesty, dignity, influence, charm
MAHIRUHA: a big tree
MAHUL: a big tree with whitish egg shaped flowers of which wine is made
MAHESHVARA: the Greatest Controlling God or Divinity, Lord Shiva
MÁKHAN: butter
MÁKHÁ: absorbed, smeared, soaked
MÁKHÁ MÁKHI: absorption
MÁCHRÁUNGÁ: kingfisher
MÁJH: middle, center, inside, amidst
MÁJHI: steer man, boatman, boatswain, headman
MÁT́I: mud, earth
MÁT́IR: made of mud or earth
MÁT́H: field
MÁŔÁ: tread (path), to trample or pound, thresh
MÁŃIK: gem, red ruby
MÁTAUNGÁ: elephant
MÁTÁ: overwhelmed
MÁTÁNO / MÁTIYÁ: intoxicating, enchanting, ecstasy, frenzy, charm, fascinating, captivating, rapt, spellbound, absorbed, engrossed, gripped, enthralled, immersed
MÁTÁL: intoxicated, saturated, drunk, ecstasy, frenzied
MÁTRA: that much, only
MÁTRÁ: minutest quantity, measure, beat, meter
MÁTRIKÁ: mother, matrix
MÁTHÁ: head
MÁDAKA: intoxicating
MÁDAKATÁ: intoxication
MÁDHAVA: Krśńa, essence
MÁDHAVII: candied sugar, a sweet drink made with honey, a spring creeper with fragrant flower, an evergreen creeper, the myrtle, basil
MÁDHAVII KUNJA: the myrtle bower
MÁDHURI: sweetness
MÁNAVA: human being
MÁNAVATÁ: humanity
MÁNASA: mind
MÁNASA RAJ: king of mind
MÁNASÁBJA: mental lotus
MÁNASÁTIITA: beyond mind
MÁNA: respect, dignity, honour, respect, reception, fame, dignity, pride, vanity
MÁNÁ: prohibition, forbidding
MÁNI: (I ) accept
MÁNIBO: (I ) will accept
MÁNUŚA: human beings, man
MÁYÁ: illusion, physical or material world, phenomenal nature, delusion, infatuation, fascination, affection, fantasy, phantasm, image, dream, vision, fancy, apparition, spectre, spirit, shadow, unreal, creative principle, mirage
MÁYÁVII: charmer, enchanter, magician
MÁYÁ LOKA: arena of illusion
MÁRJANA: scrubbing, brushing, polishing, forgiving, pardon,
MÁRAVA: desert, sandy
MÁRMIK: inner most feeling of heart or mind or its core, inmost feelings
MÁRMIKATÁ: deep insight, well conversed with essence, beauty etc
MÁLAINCA: flower garden
MÁLATII: a creeper kind of jasmine flower
MÁLÁ: wreath, garland, cluster, group, necklace, rosary
MÁLIK: owner, proprietor
MÁLIKÁ: wreath, garland, cluster, group, necklace, rosary
MÁLII: florist, gardener, garland maker
MÁSHUL: tax, duty, custom, fare, freight, charge, price, cost
MICHÁ: false, lie, imaginary, fanciful
MICHE: false, lie, imaginary, fanciful
MIT́ALE: end, destroy, eliminate
MIT́ILE: end, destroy, eliminate
MITA: measured, defined, moderate
MITÁLII: friendship, boon, companionship, alliance
MITHYÁ: false, lie, imaginary, fanciful
MILAN: meeting, joining
MILÁ MISHÁ: social familiarity, intimate association or intercourse
MISHE: mixing, merging
MIŚT́I: sweet eatable
MIHIR: sun during noon
MIIN: fish
MUKUR: mirror, looking glass, speculum
MUKUL: bud, blossom
MUKULITA: bloomed, budded
MUKTA: emancipated, having attained salvation, free, liberated
MUKTA JAT́Á: free or open lock of hair / tuft
MUKTÁ: pearl
MUKTI: liberation, salvation
MUKHA: mouth, face
MUKHI: inclined, towards
MUKHYA: main, chief, most prominent, head, topmost
MUKHAR / MUKHARATÁ / MUKHARITA: reverberation, resound, noisy, eloquence
MUGDHA: charmed, spell bound, stupefied, fainted, entranced
MUCHÁ: wipe, mop, swab, efface, obliterate, expunge, clean
MUMURŚU: about to die, dying, moribund
MUMUKŚU: desirous of salvation
MUSÁFIR: traveler
MÚKA: dumb
MÚŔHA: fool
MUDITA: encouragement
MÚRCHANÁ: psychic stupor, lack of common sense, a fainting fit, syncope, swoon, trance, stupefaction, stun with astonishment, (in music: gradual modulation or rise and fall of voice, a sweet tremor of voice: inflection or tone or cadence)
MÚRCHÁ: psychic stupor, lack of common sense, a fainting fit, syncope, swoon, hypnotised
MÚRTA: embodiment
MÚLA: root, foundation, base, support
MUŚAŔÁN: to become downhearted, or depressed or discouraged
MRIGA / MRGA: deer
MRCCHILÁ: earthen rock
MRŃÁL: stalk of lotus or water lily
MRŃMAYA: earthen, mud-built, made of earth or clay
MRT: earth, clay
MRTA: dead
MRTYU: death
MRDU: soft
MRYAMÁŃ: about to die or perish or decease
ME: to exchange or barter
MEKHALÁ: ornamental girdle, belt, series or zone, which surrounds, slope of mountain
MEGHA: cloud
MEDA: flesh
MEDUR: pleasantly soft or smooth, glib, unctuous, verdant, green
MEDHÁ: memory, intellect, sacrifice
MEDHÁTITHI: wise, learned, intelligent
MERU: pole
MELÁ: fair, numerous, expanse, extensive, assemblage, assembly, togetherness
MELÁ MESHÁ / MILÁ MISHÁ: social familiarity, intimate association or intercourse
MELE: opening, spreading, unfolding
MELIÁ: opening, spreading
METECHI: intoxicated, enchanted
MESHE: mixing, merging
MO: my
MOCANA: releasing, freeing from, liberating, emancipating, unyoking, discharging, acquittance, deliverance
MORE: me
MOHA: infatuation, blind worldly attraction or attachment, sentiment, fascination, loss of sensibility or consciousness, swoon, fainting, delusion, confusion, perplexity, folly, ignorance, embarrassment, mistake, stupefaction, fascination, temptation, seduction
MOHÁVARTA: covered with fascination
MOHAN: enchanting, charming
MOKŚA: non-qualified liberation, spiritual longing, permanent salvation
MAOTA: death
MAONA: silent, quiet
MAONATÁ: silence
MAOCÁK: beehive, honeycomb
MAOMÁCHI: honeybee, bee
MAOLI: head
MLÁNA: tarnished, soiled, dim, dull, gloomy, dirty, unclean, glum, sorrowful, dark, overcast, sad