PA: acoustic root of the propensity of hatred or revulsion
PAKET́: pocket
PAINCAMA: sound of cuckoo, fifth of the octave
PAT́A: cloth, canvas, scene
PAT́U: expert, skilled
PAT́UÁ: painter
PAD́A / PAŔÁ: fall, drop
PAŃ: to deal in, barter, purchase, bargain, stake, buy, transact, trade
PAŃYA: saleable, vendible, commodity, ware, article,
PATAUNGA: insect, a flying insect
PATAN: fall, decline
PATI: master, lord, owner, possessor, proprietor, governor, ruler, president, husband
PATRA: leaf
PATRALEKHÁ: writing or painting
PATH: way, path
PATHIK, traveler
PATHIKRIT: pioneer, preparing the way
PATHER: of way or path
PADA: foot, step, pace, vestige, a line of poetry, a song or lyric, post, position
PADA VIKŚEPA: pace, step, stride
PADAKŚEP: pace, step, stride
PADMA: lotus
PAYODHI: ocean, sea
PARA: others, distant
PARAKÁL: other world, eternal world, arena after death
PARAMA: ultimate, extreme, highest, supreme
PARAMÁTMAN / PARAMÁTMÁ: consciousness in the Microcosm, microcosm and in Nucleus
PARAMÁRÁDHYA: most venerable, warranting greatest worship or devotion
PARAMÁRTHA: the greatest object or truth or reality, universal welfare
PARAMPARÁ: tradition
PARASH: touch
PARASTII: failure
PARÁ: spiritual knowledge
PARÁN: life, to put on, to wear
PARÁ BHAKTI: absolute devotion
PARÁ VIDYÁ: science of intuition, highest skill or knowledge
PARÁ SHÁNTI: absolute peace
PARÁG: pollen of flower, fragrance
PARÁTPAR: supreme, higher than the highest, greater than the greatest
PARIKRÁNTI: completion of revolution
PARICAYA: introduction, acquaintance, identity
PARICITI: introduction, acquaintance, identity
PARICCHEDA: limit, part, pause, bar, fixation
PARIŃATA: converted to, changed to, transformed to
PARIŃÁMA: resultant, transformation, conclusion
PARITOŚA: thorough satisfaction or gratification, deep pleasure, satiety to the heart́s content
PARITRÁŃA: permanent protection or relief
PARIPÁT́I: orderliness, skill, adroit, adept
PARIPÚRŃA: quite full, complete, perfect, filled up, fulfilled, replete, teeming, complemented
PARIPÚRŃATÁ: completion, perfection, fulfilment
PARIBHU: boundary, limitation
PARIMAL: fragrance, perfume, sweet scent, nectar of flowers
PARIMÁŃA: measurement, quantity
PARIVESH: environment, surrounding
PARISHODHA: sanctify, refine
PARISAR: limitations, boundary, area, extent, perimeter, width, breadth
PARISIIMA: limitations, boundary, area, extent, perimeter, width, breadth
PARIHÁRA: giving up, abandonment, avoidance, casting off, disregard, slight, neglect
PARIHÁSA: joke, jest, ridicule, mockery, derision, laugh to scorn, deride
PARII: fairy
PARUŚA: harsh, rough, rude, haughty, arrogant, cruel
PARŃA: leaf, a matured leaf
PARŃA SHÁLÁ: a leaf thatched hut
PARYÁPTA: sufficient, adequate
PARVATA: mountain
PARVA: holy-day, fiesta, chapter, node
PAL: moment, small fraction of time
PAL GUNI: counting time
PALAK: in a moment, eyelid, blink
PALÁYAN / PALÁIÁ: escape, running away
PALÁSH: a red non-fragrant flower or its tree
PALITÁ: wick (of lamp)
PALLAVA: petal, leaf
PAVAN: breeze, air, wind
PASHI: enter
PASHU: animal, beast, cattle, livestock
PASHYAT: seeing, perceiving, beholding, looking at, observing
PASARÁ: bulk item, load or heap of articles, wares, merchandise, spread, basket containing articles of traffic, a commodity
PASÁRA: bazaar, market place, shop, articles of traffic, wares, reputation, business practice
PASÁRÁ: stretching out, to extend
PASÁRII: shop keeper, seller, dealer, peddler, groceries dealer
PAHACÁNANA: to recognise
PÁK: cooking, sacred, going round, spin, tangle, plot, twist, difficulty
PÁKHANÁ / PÁKHÁ: wings, feather
PÁKHII: bird
PÁŔA: bank, shore, border, margin
PÁŔI: to pedal in an up-down manner
PÁT́HÁN: to send
PÁŃI: hand
PÁTÁN / PÁTÁ / PETE: spreading or stretching of hands, leaf
PÁTÁLA: the netherworld, the underworld, Hades, hell
PÁTH: way
PÁTHAR: stone
PÁTHÁR: sea, ocean
PÁTHEYA: needs or means for a journey, provisions for the path
PÁDA: leg
PÁNKAOŔI: a tri-habitat black bird like water-gull, swan or goose
PÁNE: towards
PÁNE CÁY: look towards
PÁNTHA: traveler, wayfarer
PÁNNÁ: emerald
PÁŃD́U / PÁŃD́UR: pale yellow, dull, dirty, muddy, jaundiced, chlorotic
PÁPAŔI: petal (of flower)
PÁPÁRI: enemy of sin
PÁPÁRINISÚDANA: destroyer of the enemy of sins
PÁPIYÁ: Indian nightingale, the hawk cuckoo
PÁYU: anus
PÁYE: foot
PÁR: other or opposite side, bank, shore, coast, margin, border, end, bounds, crossing over, passing beyond, ferry across, to rescue, to let pass, to conduct through, to get over
PÁRAGHÁT́Á: wharf, ferry
PÁRÁPÁRA: both banks of the river, crossing or conducting or ferrying a river, sea or ocean
PÁRÁVÁRA: ocean, sea
PÁŔI: pedalling
PÁRUL: a trumpet flower
PÁLAN: preserving, protecting, upbringing, rearing, keeping, nourishing, breeding, observance, fulfilment, to tend, to comply, fostering, defending
PÁLAK: preserver, fosterer
PÁLÁ: turn, order, period, spell, leaf, shoot, twig
PÁOÁ / PÁOÁR: to get, attain, achieve
PÁVAKA: fire, purifier
PÁVANA: sacred, holy, blessed, hallowed, revered, sanctified
PÁSHA: noose, bondage, trap, snare, string, rope, anchor-rope
PÁSHA BADDHA: bound by a noose, bondage, trap, snare, string, rope
PÁSHARITA / PÁSARÁ: avoid, forget, ignore
PÁSHÁ PÁ-SHI: side-by-side, adjacent, alongside, close
PÁSHE: beside, adjacent
PÁŚÁŃA: stone, rock
PIK: cuckoo’s call
PICCHIL: slippery, slobbery
PINÁKA: the bow of Shiva
PINÁKII: an epithet of Shiva
PIPÁSÁ: thirst
PIYÁL: a kind of nut tree, its nut or seed
PISHUNATÁ: sadistic tendency
PISHÁC: fiend, goblin, devil, spirit, malevolent, monster, elf, sprite, ogre, giant, ghost
PIIT́HA: seat, controlling point
PIIŔA: to injure
PIITA: yellow
PIINÁ: drinking
PUKÁR: call
PUCCHA: tail
PUINJA: flock, group, cluster, collection, assemblage, bunch, gathering, congregation, herd
PÚŔÁ / PÚŔÁN: burn
PUTRA : son
PUTRÁH: sons
PUNAH: again
PUŃYA: virtue, goodness, purity, holiness, sinless ness, blamelessness, chivalry, spirituality, merit, worth, philanthropy, nobleness
PURAG: favourably inclined
PURUŚA: Pure Consciousness, Witness-ship within every entity, Átmá, Cosmic Soul, Jinána, Consciousness
PURUŚOTTAMA: Nucleus of the Macrocosm or the universe, collective consciousness, Universal witnessing Entity
PURODHÁ: pioneer, vanguard
PUROBHÁG: foremost, first part or share, front, vanguard, fore-part, leading
PÚRVASHÁ: an oriental dance with quick fleeting movements
PULAK: delight, joy, thrill, feeling or sensation of joy
PUŚPA: flower
PUŚPITA: blossomed
PÚJÁ: worship
PÚJYA: worth worshipping
PUINJIIBHÚTA: collected, condensed
PÚRAKA: full inhalation of breath
PÚRAN: fulfilment, filling, completion, mass of water, stream
PÚRAVII: a particular tune or melody
PÚRŃA: complete, whole, perfect
PÚRŃATÁ: totality, perfection, accomplishment
PÚRNIMÁ, full moon
PÚRVA: previous, earlier, east
PÚRILO: completion
PÚRVA ACALE: eastern horizon
PERIYE: to cross over
PELAVA: very soft, delicate, gentle, graceful, slim, slender, frail, light
PELAVATÁ: pleasant softness
PELO: obtained
POŚÁ: pet
POHÁN: to dawn, to end, to bask, to undergo
PAORUŚA: virile, manliness, heroism, prowess, valor, courage
PYÁRE: beloved
PRAKARAŃA: process, procedure, context, discourse, chapter
PRAKÁSH: light
PRAKÁSHODGAM: origin of light
PRAKRTA: accomplished, completed, perfect, genuine, original,
PRAKRTI: the inherent tendency of the transcendental Puruśa, doing something in a special way, cosmic operative principle
PRAKETA: expressed initially and presently, achievement
PRAKOŚT́HA: chamber
PRAGATI: progress
PRAGATISHIILA: progressive
PRAGAM: first advances or progress or manifestation
PRAGRAH: control
PRACAŃD́A: furious, fierce, terrible, formidable, violent, severe, intense
PRACÁRA: propagate, advertise
PRACETÁ: supreme consciousness
PRACCHANNA: covered, clothed, clad, wrapped, enveloped, private, secret, concealed, hidden
PRAJÁ: progeny, subject
PRAJÁPATI: the unliberated stage of Saguńa Brahma, butterfly
PRAJINÁ: intuition, profound or perfect wisdom, knowledge of absolute reality
PRAJINÁDHII: intuitive knowledge
PRAJINÁLIINA: absorbed in consciousness
PRAŃATI: salutation
PRAŃÁSHA: dissolution, annihilation
PRAŃIDHÁNA: follow, running after
PRATÁPA: might, power, prowess, domineering influence, heat, supremacy, command, control, strength
PRATÁRAŃÁ: cheating, deception, chicanery, deceit, swindle, fraud, hoodwinking
PRATI: each, every, contrary, towards, similar, exact, equal, opposite, reverse, counter
PRATIKRTI: image, photograph
PRATIGHÁTA: counter-blow
PRATICCHAVI: image, photograph
PRATIT́I: each, every, contrary, towards, similar, exact, equal, opposite
PRATIKŚEPA: rebounding, throwing back, recurrence
PRATIBHÁ: intellect, brilliance
PRATIBHU: representative
PRATIMÁ: image, icon, idol
PRATI-SAINCARA: returning introversive phase to Supreme from crude to subtle
PRATIHATA: checked, prevented, repelled, staved off, obstructed, hurt in return
PRATIŚT́HÁ: respect, praise, recognition, honour, setting up, dedication, consecration, installation, fame, reputation, social status
PRATIPATTI: gain, fulfilment
PRATIBHÁ: brilliance, intellect
PRATIBHU: symbol, icon
PRATIMÁ: idol, image
PRATIIK: symbol
PRATIITI: realisation, understanding, cognition, notion, impression, belief, conviction, feeling, appearance
PRATIIPA: opposite, negative, reversed simile, retrogression, anti
PRATIIKŚMÁN: awaiting, visible, expected
PRATIIKŚÁ: waiting, expectation
PRATYAK: having a stance opposite to and witnessing that (see Pratyagátmá)
PRATYAGÁTMÁ: Paramátmá, Supreme Soul
PRATYANTA: adjoining, border
PRATYÁBHIJINÁ: perfect profound knowledge
PRATYAYA: conviction, certainty, cognition, idea, conception, trust, opinion, cause, fame, belief, confident, firm belief
PRATYAYA MÚLAK: independent actions
PRATYÁSHÁ: hope, expectations in exchange, counter hope, longing, counter expectation
PRATYÁSHII: expectant
PRATHÁ: system, convention, style, way, procedure
PRADAKŚNA: style of worshipping by going or rotating round and round, encircling
PRADIIP, lamp, candle
PRADIIPTA: bright, glowing, shining, luminous
PRADOŚA: evening, nightfall, twilight, night
PRADYOTA: radiating, luminous, splendor, glow, shine, ray, blazing, shining, brilliance
PRADHÁNA: chief, leading, head, dominant
PRADHÁVITA: rushing, flowing
PRAPAINCA: five fundamental factors, phenomenal reality, the world, illusory
PRAPATTI: total surrender
PRAPÁT: fountain
PRABAL: strong, dominant
PRABODHA: good idea or knowledge
PRABHAINJAN: storm, violent wind
PRABHÁT / PRABHÁTE: morning, dawn
PRABHÁVA: effect, influence, impact
PRAMATTA: frenzied
PRAMÁ: balanced and accurate conception or perception, correct notion, true knowledge
PRAMÁŃA: proof
PRAMÁDA: inadvertence, carelessness, error, confusion, oblivion, calamity, frenzy, madness
PRAMILA: drowsiness, spirited, amazon
PRAYÁT: advanced, gone forth, departed, deceased
PRAYÁS: effort, endeavour, attempt, exertion
PRAYUTI: application, employment, technique, actuated
PRAYOGA: practical application, use, experiment
PRAYOJAN: purpose, object, aim
PRALAYA: total dissolution of the universe, complete annihilation, extinction, disappearance, vanishing, obliteration, eradication, abolition, elimination, doom, disaster, catastrophe
PRALAYAUNKARA: annihilator of the universe
PRALÁP: raving, delirium, incoherence in speech
PRALEP: ointment, coating, smearing, pasting, balm
PRALEHA: broth
PRAVRTTI: stronger tendency, propensity or desire, desire, movement towards crudeness, way of expression of mind, faculty, propensity of mind, occupation, inclination, tendency, earnest desires of mind, mental movement towards crudeness
PRAVAINCA: cheating, deceptions, deceit, swindle, fraud, beguilement, hoodwink
PRAVAŃATÁ: inclination, propensity, declivity, tendency, attachment, eagerness, readiness, proficiency
PRASHAMAN: calming, tranquillising, pacifying, soothing, curing, healing, quelling, abatement, securing, purifying
PRASHRAYA: indulgence
PRASHLEŚA: close contact, pressing hard against
PRASÁD / PERSÁD: grace, propitiousness, food-offering to a deity
PRASÁRA: expansion, elaboration
PRASÁDHAN: accomplishment, arranging, setting right, dressing, embellishment, decoration, articles of process, toilet
PRASUPTA: sleeping
PRASÚN: flower, fruit, bud, blossom, born, produced
PRASTUTA: prepared, ready, offered
PRASTAR: a couch of leaves and flowers, a flat surface at the top or bed, a thicket, wood, stone, rock, pebble, fossil, jewel
PRASRAVAŃA: trickling forth, push, flow, ooze
PRAHARA: a time period of three hours
PRAHARAŃA: beating, striking, a weapon or tool held in hand, stroke
PRAHELIKÁ: riddle, enigma, puzzle, mystery
PRAKŚEPA: flinging, casting, throw, interpolation
PRÁKRTA: natural, a language with natural variations in India before Saḿskrta grammar
PRÁCIIRA: wall, rampart, parapet
PRÁJINA: intuition
PRÁŃA / PRÁŃAH, PARÁŃA: a vayu having jurisdiction between naval point and vocal cord, vital energy, life, vitality, vigour, mind, heart, existence, animation, source, vivacity, essence, origin, manner, conduct, principle, nature, breath, being, entity, endurance, heart, mind, feeling, élan vital
PRÁŃA MÁTÁNO: intoxicating, captivating, charming, attractive, infatuating, cajole
PRÁŃAYÁMA: art of breathing
PRÁŃAVIK: related to vitality
PRÁŃIDHÁNA: meditating on Supreme
PRÁŃIŃATÁ: liveliness
PRÁŃENDRIYA: collective name of ten váyus
PRÁŃOCCHVÁSA: deep exhalation
PRÁŃOTPAL: lotus of the heart
PRÁNTA: extremity, end, tip, border, margin, brim, rim, outskirt, arena
PRÁNTAR: prairie, wilderness, waste, vast expanse of arid land, large tract of grass-land
PRÁNSHU: intense ray of light
PRÁPTI: attainment, achievement
PRÁBALYA: strength, dominance
PRÁRTHANÁ: prayer, praise, eulogy, panegyric
PRÁYASHCITTA: expiation, atonement, penance, sacrament, reparation
PRÁVRIT́: rainy
PRÁVRI: heavy rains
PRIYA: dear, beloved
PRIITI / PREMA: love, affection
PRETA: ghost, bodiless mind
PREMA: love, affection
PREYA: desired, liking, cherished, agreeable, pleasant, pleasurable, enjoyable, delightful, satiating, affable
PRERAŃÁ: inspiration
PREŚAŃÁ: send, dispatch, transmit, remit, restless, order, charge, goad, impetus, drive
PREŚITA: sent, goaded
PREKŚAŃÁ: act of seeing, looking, watching, hearing, viewing, observation
PRAETII: contentment, satisfaction, intense, pertaining to love
PROTAH: collective association
PLUSHI: white ant